Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Promotional Package

A promotional package essentially allows an industry to promote their movie in different ways, often a movie poster and a film magazine is used to promote the movie. When marketing a product it is important to reach the target market that we have created it for, the advertisements and marketing should be located where my potential target markets are. Marketing is a way for an industry to promote their product and create an awareness towards their target market, if an industry decided not to do this then their film would not be successful because people would not be aware of it, marketing of a movie can be done by:

Bill boards 


Buses and Coaches





Our Promotional package for our media product consisted of a film poster, a magazine cover and a trailer in order to ensure that our target market were fully aware of our film trailer. Both our trailer and ancillary text showed the consistent message that 'if one goes, everyone goes.' This could be interpreted in different ways in which we wanted out target market to thing of. Could it mean that if one goes missing, everyone goes missing or if one friend goes to the woods everyone else will go to the woods too. However due to our genre for the trailer our target audience will think of the darkest possible meaning for it. Throughout our promotional packaging we have shown the unity of the characters in different ways however we had kept the movie poster different so it did not give a lot of our narrative away. Our Promotional packages were these:

Shady Woods - Film magazine

Shady Woods - Movie Poster

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